Thursday, January 29, 2009

Update. I am in a slump workout wise it feels like. I am losing motivation to go. It has to be the downtime I have taken in the past week, with the bachelor party and the long days on set. I am finding it hard to push myself to go.

There is also the money stress. After only working on one set this last month and making the least amount possible per day, I had to draw my entire Feb rent/bills from my savings. This means that I only have $1300 left in there, and since Feb is the shortest month of the year I have to come up with something fast in order to stay afloat. I need a day job ASAP, but I don't even know where to start looking and the stress is hurting.

Use the stress Dunn. Go to the gym and work it out!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Work Out Blog #1-ish

Today marked my 8th day of gym time since I started this journey. It also marks the end of my first week on the meal plans. There have been some ups and downs.

The food is actually very good. Better tasting then the usual garbage that I put in my face.

I am actually starting to get a rhythm at the gym. I did an hour of cardio today and some weights, and I am still thinking that if I get out of work early enough tonight I might make a stop over to do some more because I am still jazzed.

My parents bought me a scale, which is probably going to be bad since I am neurotic and will weigh myself constantly... just for S&G (shits and giggles for those of you trying to keep up.)

I didn't actually make it out to the gym everyday for the past week and half like I wanted, but I am trying not to beat myself up for that since a few of those days I was working to make money and such.

Though tasty, the food isn't enough it seems since I am working out so much. I find myself very very hungry mid day and trying to find something relatively healthy to nosh on.

So that's pretty much it for now. Lastly I am going to end this post with my weight gain/loss for the week.

Gym Time Total: ~12Hrs
Cardio: 8Hrs
Weights: 4Hrs

Starting Weight(12/28): 339
Current Weight: 328
Total Loss: -11lbs

Friday, January 2, 2009

Day 1!

Ok. So this is not a resolution. I repeat. NOT A RESOLUTION.

I have given myself a goal. To work out as much as possible and try to live a healthier life this year. In keeping with that I have been going to the gym everyday for the past week. (With the small exception of yesterday since I was a little too partied out to make my way there.) It has been great so far. The key is not to overdo it. That's kind of like the bingeing of the exercise world I guess. Go too hard and you feel like crap, eat too much you feel like crap. So I have been keeping it to 45 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of various weights and it seems to be working.

I have also started a new food regime today. All pre-prepared and nutritionally balanced. The breakfast was actually pretty tasty. A nice little bran muffin and protien hot cocoa. I will keep you all updated on how that goes as well.

This new program also wants me to keep a journal of thoughts and what I have eaten and weight loss... so I will probably just start using this as the journal, so you can read the progress too.