Thursday, January 29, 2009

Update. I am in a slump workout wise it feels like. I am losing motivation to go. It has to be the downtime I have taken in the past week, with the bachelor party and the long days on set. I am finding it hard to push myself to go.

There is also the money stress. After only working on one set this last month and making the least amount possible per day, I had to draw my entire Feb rent/bills from my savings. This means that I only have $1300 left in there, and since Feb is the shortest month of the year I have to come up with something fast in order to stay afloat. I need a day job ASAP, but I don't even know where to start looking and the stress is hurting.

Use the stress Dunn. Go to the gym and work it out!

1 comment:

a c said...

I am pooped after a ridiculously hard emotional day that started at 5am after hours of Super Bowl binge drinking the night before. That being said, beginning Wednesday I will be your motivation. We will gym it up anytime you are not working. I will sit on you. If you get into another slump, I will shake my boobs in your general direction. Deal?